Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our bucket list day...

You see, I have this really awesome house mate. She's the bomb! We have great great fun together!! But in just 2 months she is moving off to Poland and our time of getting to hang out and do fun stuff and cook cool food and share this great little house... Well, sadly you cant share a house with someone who lives half way across the world! So today, (Saturday) we took the day off and did some of the things that have been on our bucket list of cool things to do someday! 

First stop was the garden expo at the Horse Park in Starksville. It was so awesome! I think that for both of us the best part was the time we spent talking to this great wood carver, his wife and their son. I wish like everything we had gotten a picture with him! He was a wonderful old man! He was a Colonel in the Army and wow... He was full of stories. I bought a nativity scene from him and he took the time to explain each of the different woods out of which the different sets were made! I also bought a teeny tiny little rat. Bella was delighted :) Its even smaller than a chocolate truffle! 

A few of the things I/we fell in love with the rest of show were:

This BEAUTIFUL swing!! I just loved it! It has cup holders in the middle arm and is just so awesome! Someday when I'm rich and famous I'm going to find someone to make one of these for me :) 

This GORGEOUS piece of furniture caught my eye immediately!! I had a fit! Literally! The guy said "Well mam, it is for sale!" :) I would have loved to bring it home with me! All of his furniture was really awesome actually. 

These totally cool tin signs :) I would love to hang them in my kitchen :) 

All yr long Jewel has talked about these awesome creations. Today she was so happy that they were there again and was all excited to show me! So, while she was distracted, I snuck back and bought her favorite one for her. She was absolutely thrilled. You can kinda see that from the picture :) 

These blown glass wind chimes are some of the prettiest things I'v ever seen in my life I think. I love wind chimes of all shapes, sizes, and colors. These however are just incredible!

From the garden expo we headed back into town to go shopping. There is this totally awesome Piggly Wiggly there that we both love! They have all kinds of cool stuff and we are both suckers for grocery stores that have a large international section or a great selection of cheeses. A store with both... Well, thats just awesome! But, on our way we got side tracked by... BBQ!!

This is where the bucket list idea really kicked in. This is a place we have always wanted to stop but never did. Well today we did it! 

Ok, let me just be brutal here. Jewel loved it and thought it was amazing. I on the other hand was rather underwhelmed. I understand though that my trip to Texas in January completely ruined me for anything less than really awesome BBQ.

Jewel, silly girl, forgot to take a jacket and we were sitting outside to eat, so, she got a beach towel out of her car and wrapped up in it :) Our conclusion was that if you need to wrap up in a beach towel in the dead of winter you just have to act confident and pretend nothing is odd about it and noone will notice. :) 
 After lunch it was on to our beloved Piggly Wiggly and one of my personal favorite things... Their olive bar...

And cheeses...

We got some great soft cheeses that we'r both pretty excited about trying :) 

From their we went to yet another grocery store. This one though was an awesome little Asian market. Ok, one thing you should know. Jewel and I both love weird foods! Well, what a lot of ppl consider weird. So Asian markets, Mexican tienda's, the international section of any grocery store... Right down our alley. Although we didn't get any, we both loved the whole fish option. 

 We wanted to try something we had never had, so we picked black sesame candy and these great little yogurt flavored soft drinks. They were interesting to say the least! 

I think it was at this point that we went thrift store shopping and I found these really awesome shoes that I'v wanted for MONTHS but was determined not to buy new :) :) I was/am, super pumped about that! 

When we were satisfied that we had thoroughly searched the store for all and any great deals that we wanted badly enough to over ride our lack of need for them, we exited the premises and went to whack something else off our bucket list. Concretes! :) 

There is this rinky dink little place called Bop's that advertises these things called concretes "because they have so much stuff in them they are stiff as concrete!" Ok, if you don't already know this, let me just tell you, frozen custard is AMAZING!!! Its better than ice cream! The one we got was this delightful concoction made of a vanilla base, pineapple, strawberries, and the best part, roasted pecans. Totally incredible!  

We ate our amazing concretes while we drove aimlessly around town looking for a health food store :) After we found that we headed to A Strange Brew. Its this great little coffee shop that we'v been wanting to go to. It was truly amazing! 

They had these AWESOME blue lights! You can kinda see the one chandelier way in the back. I loved that thing! I tried for pictures of it but they didn't work. I did get one of the wall light though :) 

We hung out there, did homework, laughed at the people, and did our level best to get good and hungry! Then we went to find us some sushi :) 

And amazing sushi it was too! Wow! For those of you who know/like sushi, the one roll was a salmon mango kiwi celery roll. We'd never had anything close to that combo before so we wanted to try it. It was yummy, but not one we would buy again. It was however, as sushi always is, amazing! But then the best part of the evening happened. It rained :) :) And we had a long way back to the car. I got to do something I'v always wanted to do, dance in the rain in a parking lot at night. I think the few other people around there thought I'd lost my mind! Jewel thought maybe I had too. It was amazing! By the time the adult in me finally took over and made me get in the car I was totally drenched, but totally happy! 

We ended the evening with another concrete. Have you figured out yet that our bucket list consisted almost entirely of food? We laughed at ourselves about it but thats us... Needless to say, between the 2 of us we only got about half the last concrete down. The rest got saved for my sister, who is now a devout concretes fan :) Over all the day was totally amazing, very relaxing, and incredibly expensive :) Oh and by the way, if you come to visit us in our 2 remaining months, I promise we'l make sure to treat you to a Bop's concrete! :) 

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