Monday, November 4, 2013

Why you should NEVER fall in love!!

Ok ya'l, I have got sumthin to say and you better just listen up! (And know that this blog is written in HEAVY southern accent! I am just so plain hacked off right now I can't even tell you how spit fire mad I am! Ya'l seriously I can not believe the stupid thing I done went and did!!! Fa real, ya'l please learn from me and do NOT, do not, do not, do NOT, DO NOT go and fall your sorry selves in love! I am not even kidding you one little bit right now! It has to be the dumbest, silliest, stupidest thing I ever did! I know ya'l are laughin right now but I got a few things to tell you that will change your mind! Let me give you a few. 

1) Love can take a perfectly reasonable, professional, capable woman and turn her into a blushing, giggling, gooing, RIDICULOUS girl! Believe me, I'm living proof! Today for instance, I was marking on a sleeve of bags what size they were. All I needed was to write the letter "H." Thats it. You know what I done? Before I even knew what happened or how they got there there was two big hearts on that bag alongside that H. Stupid. Pure stupidness! 

2) Love can take a very normal, rather funny, decently attractive and popular man and turn him into the best looking, the most hilarious and the most sought after man in the town, county, state, and even country! Believe you me, my Strider is living proof! Before I went and fell in love with him he was pretty normal. (So they tell me, I'm not convinced.) NOW on the other hand, every female that lays eyes on him falls madly in love and I can't say I blame them one bit!! He is, after all, the MOST amazing man I ever have met or ever will meet! Including my darling brother in laws! Now thats pretty incredible. And if you think that this is in anyway not a bad thing let me tell you your just wrong! Do ya'l know ANYTHING more annoying than being smitten with a man that you can tell every other female just adores?? Well I don't! 

3) Love can make an utterly confident and satisfied woman completely insecure and vulnerable. Now this one you all have to admit is bad! Somewhere in the last eight months I lost my ability to not care what other people think of me and have become incredibly concerned with it! I wear different clothes, worry about what I say, and stress over someone else's parents liking me. Whats with that??? Its love folks. Thats my only explanation. Suddenly what HE thinks is more important than anything. Crazy stupid thing love is I tell you! 

4) Love can change a person's interests. I'v never watched so many hunting videos in my life as in the last month. And you know what? I LIKE them! I'v never gotten so excited about anything as I do fishing! I'v never ever actually cared to read an article in a magazine about pan fishing or scent block. I'v never been so much of a food snob or actually paid more for organic ingredients just because the taste was better and the product more ethical. Not until now. Now fishing, hunting, and food occupy a huge amount of my mental energy! I next to never even think about cars, shoes, or snake hunting anymore. And ya'l? Worse than that is the fact that the man who promotes and enjoys these things occupies even more of my mental energy! Ridiculous! 

5) Love can make your ears sharper. Ok so you might be wondering what is wrong with that but I'l tell you! Love makes it so that every time the back door at work opens (when he's not there) my heart skips about 3 beats. Love makes it so that sometimes when he's not around and his dad says "Hi" to a customer my heart skips 3 beats. This is very very annoying because if a person's heart skips too many beats in a day you feel rather faint by the end. This means that if indeed you do not see the love of your heart until close to closing, by the time they do come in, and you see them, you very nearly next to faint dead away and ya'l THAT IS SO EMBARRASSING!!! 

6) Ok ya'l, here is the absolute worst thing about love. Once your in, your in. Especially if your a person like me who fights it so much and who really doesn't wanna be in love. Much as I hate the fact that I'm a silly gooing sapping wilting fainting fishing hunting heart-drawing girl, I am. Can't change it, can't get away from it, can't help it. My guy is utterly amazing and I know, without a doubt, that trying to get out of love at this point would be much more foolish than just staying in love! 

So, the conclusion of the matter as I see it is this: If your in love just let yourself enjoy it. Feed it. Make it grow. If your not in love the by ALL MEANS don't seek to be! Its a ridiculous and vulnerable place to be! Enjoy your days of sanity and serenity and don't let yourself be fooled by crazy giddy saps like me! Love is grand, oh so grand, but its truly not a place for the sane and stable! 


  1. Hey Dayna! I really, really love your sense of humour, and I really, really loved this post!!:) I think I will continue to be my sane and sensible self:)!! Love you!

  2. Oh Dayna! Rest and feel better about yourself because you're not the only one! Yes, yes, can't eat, can't sleep, find yourself staring off into space, catch yourself doing dumb things (like almost putting lemonade on your cereal)... yes, Dayna dear, yes. Thanks for the permission to go ahead and act that way if I already am. :)

  3. yup,it sure sounds like you've been bitten!
