Friday, December 4, 2015

You give...

I'm writing a paper right now. The goal of the paper is to determine whether or not the Mennonite church as a whole truly lives out what Jesus taught. I have not come to any conclusions yet (I am still researching and not writing yet) but here is something I did find. 

When Jesus was on the mountain teaching those thousands of people for days on end, they naturally got hungry (we all know the story). The disciples did what I imagine any good Christian would do, they became concerned with how the people would be fed. They suggested sending them home. They looked at the crowds and became overwhelmed with the sheer magnitude of the problem. Much, I imagine, like I do when I look at the foster system in our country. Jesus's reply to the disciples on this matter is something I've never seen before now. He said to them 

"They need not go away, you give them something to eat."


The disciples, because of Jesus, had the answer. They had the sustenance. They had what the people needed. They just had to be willing to give it. 

We have the Answer. The Answer is Jesus. Nothing to big, nothing to frightful, nothing to far out of your comfort zone. They don't need to go anywhere else. You have what they need. Give it to them. 

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