Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dear Parents...

There are few things that can move me to tears (good tears) so quickly as hearing my daddy pray for me, and my siblings, and all the people he loves like his own children. His voice gets a bit husky as he thanks God for leading me to school and nearly cracks as he thanks God for Strider and asks for the Lord's leading for us. He prays for peace in Europe, especially Poland, because one we love so deeply is there. He asks God for salvation and wisdom for all the grandchildren, wisdom for their parents, and especially strength for their dad's. Then he goes on to pray for the people that are important to us... Those that we children, and even our friends, are seeking to love as Jesus loves them. I love these times. It happens every morning now. It happens after he's opened his Bible and read. It happens after he's had his own personal devotions. Every morning he's up first, sitting at the table with his Bible and coffee long before anyone else stirs. I love this. I love that my daddy is a man of God who seeks to lead all of those coming behind him with wisdom and grace.

I can not count how many times I'v called my mom crying and had her pray with me. Its always her initiative, not mine. Invariably there is a measure of peace that comes with the prayer. Sometimes I don't really like how she prays because she never prays for the easy way out for me. She prays for grace for me to handle what God is taking me through, or she prays for wisdom for me, or she asks God to work out His plan in the situation. But no matter how she prays, it always touches something deep inside me like nothing else can.

Please, let your children hear you pray for them. It does not matter our age, our relationship status, whether we have our own children or not, whether we are with you or far away... I truly believe that for the child of God there is simply nothing so comforting as hearing your parents pray for you. Noone in the world loves us more, generally, than our parents. We are on few other people's minds like we are our parents. Few people REALLY want to see us succeed like our parents do. For so many people, audible prayer is awkward and frightening. It takes practice. It doesn't feel natural at first. But how will children know how very very valuable it is unless its modeled? Pray for your children. It is how they learn to pray for others, and praying for others is one of the chief ways we can show that we really care about them.

My parents prayers for my siblings and I flows from their own personal relationships with Jesus. Their time with Him is important to each of them and it shows clearly when they pray for us. I love that they model this for us. If they did not have that living vital relationship, I don't know if they could have given us this gift.

This is one of the greatest gifts that my parents have given me. It is a tool that will never grow old or rusty or run out. As an adult child who is still benefitting daily from this blessing I ask, please pray for your children. Please let them hear those prayers. It will give them a grounding like nothing else can.

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