Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Your turn is coming."

Know that phrase? If your single you do! Oh how I HATED that phrase! Still do. I have vowed within my soul to never ever ever say that to any struggling single girl. I personally find it to be one of the most condescending and demeaning things anyone can say to anyone else. Know why? Cuz hunny your turn is here!!! You have every chance TODAY to live a full, happy, creative life! You are so completely amazing!! You do not need a man to make you whole or make you who you are meant to be! I think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here aren't I? I tend to do that when I feel really passionately about something. 

Maybe your one of those girls who really really just wants to get married and have babies. That is an amazing calling! That role of wife and mother is one of the greatest things God can call anyone to and hunny if that is the dream He has put in your heart then by all means pray for it! Ask Him for that gift! Lift your heart to Him and seek His fulfilling of that dream. AND DO NOT SIT ON YOUR HANDS AND WAIT FOR HIM TO ANSWER YOU!! I think I can safely say from my own experiences, that living a full and productive single life does not always fill all the empty places in a girls heart. But I can say from watching my sisters and walking beside them in their journeys that being married (even to amazing men, and my brother in laws are truly truly amazing men!) does not fill all the empty places either. So live! Get a job you love, go to another country, try new kinds of food! You. Are. Valuable. You have worth and value and love and life to offer the world around you! If you don't offer yourself to the world around you, then how can you offer yourself to the man God has for you? If we do not like ourselves enough to want to know ourselves, how can we possibly expect any man to want to know us? What makes you tick? What makes you come alive? What makes you dream big dreams and work hard and do whatever it takes to succeed at it? Find those things and go do them! 

Now, anyone who knows me well knows that I speak from the standpoint of a very independent girl. God did some major overhauling in my heart to make me willing to say yes to Strider. Fortunately for Strider most of that overhauling happened before he had any clue it was happening. Or maybe God was overhauling us both at the same time. Regardless, I'v kicked and fought and screamed and cried my way into submission to God over the idea of dating. Dating Strider, mind you, is totally incredible! The man could not be more amazing or better to me!! But thats a topic for another blog :) My point is this. I know that I don't empathize with the deep heart ache that many girls feel over singlehood. But hunny I know how amazing it is to LIVE with Jesus Christ as my all! To get out of my comfort zone because HE asks me to! To care about people and to be filled in new ways by His Spirit working through them! No I am not bragging in the least! I had no part whatsoever in how God made me! But I'm inviting you to try this crazy life!! Your time is not coming, your time is here! When you say 'yes' to the crazy adventure of a passionate life with Jesus Christ, THAT is when your time comes! If you bank on Mr. Right filling you, making your dreams come true, being that Knight in Shining Armor that sweeps you off your feet and makes you life a heaven on earth, please please rethink! Even Strider, in all his incredibleness, cannot be my Savior! He cant save me from my fear or my loneliness or my stubbornness or my pride! He can be my friend, a rock in my world, a shelter from some of the emotional storms in my life, but he can never be my all! Please, let God take you crazy places! Ask Him to show you the dreams He wants you filling! Then, if He chooses to place you in the life of a great godly guy, not only will you have more to offer him, but together the two of you can be a much much more dynamic team for God! And the next time some sweet and well intentioned soul says to you "Your turn is coming" don't go home and cry in your hot chocolate over the uncertainty of that! Find someone who needs you and throw your energy into being Jesus' hands for them! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! That was very kind of you not to forget 'us' ! God bless you!
