Saturday, January 26, 2013

I fell in love... Again!

I was only going to do my laundry! Just get my dresses out of the dryer and hang them up. Thats it. A completely innocent, routine task. I had absolutely no idea what was waiting for me. I opened the door and stepped outside. I started to head down the steps when a rustle in the yard stopped me. We have a lot of wild life because of living in the woods and as some of you know, I am NOT fond of opossums! They make their appearances quite frequently and I truly dislike them in SPITE of feeling sorry for them when Jewel the mighty opossum hunter finds them. Whatever it was that was rustling was coming fast. Heart hammering I darted back up the steps and was about to yank the door open to escape to the safety of my well lit kitchen when I saw him. Out of the darkness he came. No slowing down, no hesitation, and as he stepped onto my carport I fell smack into love. I felt it coming. Looked into his beautiful brown eyes and just tumbled headlong. Now this is not a new occurrence. Believe you me, my dad can tell you one dramatic horror story after another of all the times he's heard the words "But Dad!! He's so cute!!" I think that my dad is very relieved that I now live on my own and these situations are off his hands. Although he is still great about helping me deal with them when I need him to!

I do not know what it is about me that draws them. There must be something though because this happens to me all the time. Every single time it does I fall flat! I'm utterly incapable of walking away! Sometimes they are dogs, sometimes cats, sometimes birds or cows or horses or rabbits or hurt wild creatures, and sometimes (only once or twice) they are even opossums. Sometimes I keep them, sometimes I find them homes, sometimes I take them to an animal shelter, and sometimes they are hurt and need to be put out of their misery. Whatever the situation though, I always fall in love with them. Every time it happens I lose a piece of my heart and my soul grows a little bigger to hold one more memory.

This particular guy is a puppy. He is clearly part dachshund and I am guessing part beagle. He has big floppy ears and a Rottweiler type mask on his face. Most of his body is black but his legs and paws are brown like his ears and face. His stubby little legs and big feet bounce him up and down in delight when I pet him. I am guessing that he is around 6-8 months old but I could be wrong. He is absolutely darling!! Clearly he is totally used to people because he did not even hesitate about coming to me! He was thrilled with the scraps I fed him and looks like he has missed a few meals at least. His coat is very nice and he looks fairly healthy, although a bit scrawny. I am sad to announce that I cannot keep this lil guy, no matter how much I would love to! One inside dog is all I can handle. Anyone who is looking for a great little dog let me know :) If he is still around tomorrow I would love to find him a home!

I am tempted to ask if anyone knows of a cure for 'attraction to strays' but the truth is that I'v come to love these little love notes from God. All of us have things that are unique to us. Things that make us feel a bit odd, or different, or not quite normal. Sometimes it can be hard to find God in those things. Sometimes its so easy to wish that He had not made us like He did. I used to wish that He had given me 'normal' talents instead of the capacity to fall in love with every hurting creature that crossed my path. I would like to take pictures or paint or play piano or be an amazing cook! But instead I have this weird connection with animals. Over the years, and largely because I have amazing and supportive parents, I have learned that it is ok to want to rescue every animal that needs rescuing. I'v also had to learn (again, with the help of my awesome parents) that rescuing them all is simply not possible and I have to use good judgement and common sense.

So here is my point. Whatever it is that makes you come alive, that fills your heart with the happiness of knowing that you did something wonderful, do it. If God gave you a talent that other people think is weird, well then thats their problem! And if what makes your heart sing happens to be playing piano or making art or building things or cooking for others or any other of the myriad things God gives to people, then go for it! Never let your fear or your pride or your feeling weird or your lack of knowledge stand in your way! If you are waiting for permission to live your dream, even in small ways, well here it is. God does not put things in our hearts for no reason. What He put in your heart as a delight to you, also delights Him. Even adorable stray puppies. :)

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