Thursday, January 17, 2013


I was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, looking out the window and eating a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with raw honey when I saw her. She came tip toeing out of the woods and picked her way daintily across the wet and still slightly snowy yard. I had been seriously considering going back to bed for the third time, but with her appearance that thought vanished. I felt the smile coming before it ever hit my mouth. Her jet black coat glistened in the sun, and her golden eyes glittered warily.  I watched her, but only for a moment. I could not force myself to stand quietly when maybe, just maybe, she would let me touch her. Maybe just maybe she would share a tiny piece of that beauty with me. Let me feel it under my fingers. Maybe she would be my new friend. I knew I couldn't miss the chance that the maybe's would be true! I grabbed a blanket off the couch, stuck my feet into my bright purple crocs, told Keisha to stay quiet, and headed out the door to try out my cat charming skills. Nothing doing! In a moment she was gone, back into the woods from whence she had come. I stood on the carport and sighed sadly... Not for long though. The breeze came and kissed my face and lifted my hair. The melting snow dripping from the roof and trees created an orchestra around me. The woods called to me and I headed across the yard to visit with them. I crossed her path half way to there and followed it to the edge of the woods. Her tiny paw prints, my large croc prints. Two creatures, so different, but created by the same God. The woods seemed oddly bare and clear. Somehow the snow seemed to have cleaned the lower branches and I could see much further than normal. Beauty all around me... The sunshine, so so lovely! Its been a long time since I got to see its lovely face, so I drank in its beauty and let it reflect God's heart into mine. Sweetness glittered across the ground at my feet, music filled the air. Somewhere in the woods I am sure the cat sat and watched me, probably laughing at this crazy human. I want to be like her. I want to draw people out to meet God. I want to turn eyes to the Creator, to help others to see His beauty and magnificence!!! I want to present the busy world around me with the opportunity to step outside of their dark, dingy existence and meet God in all His glory, splendor and radiance!

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