Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Reason Behind It.

God and I took a long long walk today. We talked and I cried. Nothing new about that. But today the main thing I wanted to fuss to Him about was not knowing exactly what He wants from me right now. Silly thing for one so busy to say huh? But none the less it is true. We had walked for a long ways and I was within a quarter mile of my car when it came. The whisper... Strait from God's heart to mine. "I want you to share Me with the world as I share Myself with you". So maybe to you that doesn't sound like anything new. I mean after all is that not what each and every follower of Jesus Christ strives to do? But in my soul I new His meaning was deeper than the 'normal sharing' that we think of. I nearly fell over flat right there in the middle of that rocky dirt road. Share HIM the way He shows Himself to me??? The idea utterly flabbergasted me.

This world is full of beauty. In every single thing that He created, God shows a portion of Himself. His light, His humor, His grace, His creativity, His love, His freedom. There are a zillion pieces of Him plastered around us all in a million different shades! Seeing Him in every moment though... That is not something everyone does naturally. It is my prayer that through this blog, and through my life, I can help the world to see Him around them. To See His attributes splashed across their lives in all the myriad ways He wants to show Himself. I hope that I can share here the whispers He whispers to my heart. The whispers I hear from my niche in His heart.

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