Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today. Today was, is, a gift. I hope that I treasured it enough, lived in it enough, filled its moments with enough life to give it the meaning in history that it deserves. Tomorrow does not exist, only today. 

The today that I am considering finishing up started at 6:10 this morning when my alarm went beeping away on the antique sewing machine I use as a sort of dresser/table under my window. It is one of my favorite possessions. Being a normal humanoid, I did the normal humanoid thing and snoozed my alarm the remaining twenty minutes until I had to get up. Finally at 6:30 I convinced myself that I truly am a responsible adult and crawled out of bed to officially start my day. My first stop in the long trek from my room to the kitchen (where all the caffeine lives) included a stop in the toy room to let Keisha out of her crate. I decided that I officially do not like to sleep with a dog on my bed, even at my feet, and tucked her into her own bed last night. She did not fuss one bit and I slept much better! Yeah!! Anyway, on to the kitchen I went seeking the aforementioned caffeine! Keisha was happy to get outside and I was happy for my blessed energy water. Energy water is my new calorie free alternative to coffee. Sadly I have determined in my heart to keep that amazing sweet creamy substance for only the weekends. I'm quite proud of myself every day but quite sad about it every morning. My morning progressed about as normal. An exceedingly funny text from a friend shortly after seven had me giggling for a good many minutes, and the strawberries I got on quicksale yesterday made an AMAZING addition to my breakfast, but otherwise it was a pretty mundane morning. 

By 8:00 a.m. I was in my desk in room 114 in the Math and Science building, well fed and well caffeinated and definitely grateful for the wonderful people who I knew were praying that Algebra class would go well. Several of my dear friends texted me shortly before class to tell me they were praying and man, I needed it today! Class went very well in spite of the fact that I missed the last class period. I was very grateful! With algebra though I often leave class feeling confident, but when I sit down to do the homework later I feel rather clueless and overwhelmed! 

9:30 a.m. found me in my Personal and Public health class. Today I was truly blessed by being there! We are far enough into the semester that people are beginning to know me. They have toned down the bad language, begun to be a bit more polite, and are showing some respect for what they know I stand for. I am grateful! One thing that I never do is crowd through a doorway with a pack of people. I just am not going to get smashed in with that big crowd of boys. Usually after a few wks of me always standing back and waiting till last, one of the more polite guys will notice and stand back for me to enter. It always makes me so happy when that happens! Today was that day and it warmed my heart considerably! Chivalry is not yet dead! I know that before to terribly much longer the other guys will pick it up. More of them will start to stop in the doorway and let me through. They will start holding the door for me and acting like gentlemen. This knowledge makes me so happy! Call it whatever you like, I for one like to be a lady, like to have the opportunity to thank them for something, and like to allow them the chance to be gentlemen! 

Class was a bit short today and I got to call my sister! It was lovely to catch up with her for a bit. To dump your heart into the waiting ears of a sister is one of life's sweetest treasures! To allow your soul to uncurl a bit in the safety of one who has loved you for more time than you have existed in the world as we know it... That is a precious gift and one I never want to take lightly!! It was good to hear of her children, to get in on the funny stories, to hear a bit of her current burdens and struggles and blessings. I was happy about the chance to talk to her. 

11:00 a.m. and Choir... Ah the ruckus of Choir... There are not even words for me to describe to you what Choir is like!! Noise and chaos and craziness!!! I have so incredibly much respect for our Choir director!!! How she can take a whole gang of crazy slightly misfit kids and turn them into a beautiful, functional, music producing group of semi responsible adults is entirely beyond me!!! There is so much crazy energy and goofiness packed into that room that you can almost taste it!! 

By 12:15 p.m. I was headed to Auste Hall for my Music Appreciation class. I had some time to fill before my 1:00 class so I ate an apple and talked to Vin and somehow managed to iron out a few of the world's problems. That is always a happy thing! When I headed in to the building at about quarter till 1:00 I discovered that class was canceled and the test postponed until Thursday. Oh happy day!!! I for one did not even know a test was coming so I was really happy!! So by the time the class was supposed to start I was on the road headed home! 

Home: that blessed spot where a soul finds the sweet rest and the ease of a familiar haven! I was happy to be home! On my way in I stopped at the mailbox and what do you know? The book I have been waiting on came! I was happy :) So I fixed myself some lunch and decided I would chill for awhile before I started my homework. Thirty minutes later I switched from Facebook to Algebra and let my brain go into 'the zone'. Now I am not a nice person when I am in 'the zone'. Ask anyone who has ever had to live with me. I turn completely non communicative and virtually unresponsive. I try to avoid 'the zone' when Jewel is home. It causes us both great vexation. I stuck in 'the zone' for quite a while. Enough hours that my lunch, which consisted of sauteed mushrooms, onions, and snow peas, was no longer digestible and my belly was roaring for something to make my brain work. Somewhat annoyed with it for disturbing me I headed to the kitchen and got myself a bowl of plain greek yogurt topped with strawberries and honey.  Perfect snack. But alas, this is the point at which my afternoon took a turn. 

I decided that my brain needed a break, so I curled up with my yogurt and my new book 'just for a little'. But the book is incredible. All about the heart of God and what makes people tick. I read much longer than I intended, even ignoring a phone call from my very best friend because I was to caught up to stop just then. After awhile I put my book down and called her back. We talked and I felt guilty about homework and so we got off the phone and I did more Algebra. For awhile. Until I couldn't bear it anymore. Then I picked up the book and abandoned myself entirely to its words. The next couple of hours found me all over the place, inside and outside in various places and positions but constantly glued to my book. All evening I read and cried and read some more and absorbed its contents. 

Around 9:00 p.m. Jewel finally got home and I put my book down and explained my tears and shed a few more and listened to the words that she needed to get out of her head and heart about her day and together we figured out the pieces of brokenness that had marked each of our days. She got some supper and talked. I looked up my online assignments and grumbled about them and listened. I made a call and went outside into the pre storm wildness that is so typical of a Mississippi Spring night. 

And somewhere, in all of that living that I did today, the day slipped through my fingers and is gone and now it is after midnight, again. I promised myself that I was going to go to bed earlier this week! That I would be in bed by 10:30 each night. Well, not tonight. Tomorrow night. I will do better tomorrow night. And for now, I am going to enjoy the sweet fact that today I LIVED! 

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