Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hunting Magic

We went for a walk this evening, my faithful (that is code for spoiled rotten and completely bad) dog Keisha and I. Us going for a walk is nothing new, we LOVE to go for walks! But today, well today was a different kind of walk because today it was raining. Raining raining raining. Its cold too. Cold and raining. But here is the totally crazy thing about my totally crazy dog and her totally crazy mistress. We love rain. Both of us. We crazy ones are flat crazy about rain!! A summer rain falling gently from balmy skies on a hot afternoon, a spring downpour falling so hard it makes tiny puddles in the mud when it hits, an icy drizzle along the sea coast... It doesn't matter. If it is raining, I want to be in it. And lucky me I got this dog and here she loves rain too. Imagine that. So today I said to myself I said "Dayna, you do NOT need to go out in the rain! Its cold and almost dark and the last thing any sane person would do is go out there on a lonely deserted gravel road and go walking!" So I put on my shoes and a sweatshirt and raincoat, got the leash and headed out. And it was magic. Pure sweet magic. Cold and wet with big heavy drops that splashed on my face like melted FudgeSickles. The mud in the road slogged under my feet and I giggled at Keisha as she dashed delightedly all around, running through puddles, leaping over ditches, hopping along in the wet weeds. She is a nut case, that dog. Rain and Chocolate, just like me. Its easier to keep her out of the rain than the chocolate unfortunately! You see, the thing about this day is that it needed magic. It was a good day. A lot of things made it good. One of my best friends who I have missed dreadfully came home from a week in a foreign country today. Algebra class was good today and I left it feeling happy. My Personal and Public Health class got canceled today which was lovely. I had a test in Music Appreciation which I totally forgot about but still did well on. I got to talk to two of my best friends on the phone. Lots and lots of happy things happened today. But today needed magic. It needed those special "only God can do this" moments in it. I don't like days with no magic, so Keisha and I went looking for it and we found it. We didn't go far today, we didn't even walk a mile total. As we headed back towards home I started noticing my shoe prints in the mud. 

I walked and I thought about those prints. I came to this conclusion. I think that magic only leaves its tracks in our hearts when we hunt it. Magic is around us all the time, but mostly we miss it. As that quote I love so much says "There is beauty in everything, but only those who look for it see it." Its so true!! There is so much glory and majesty in the world around us!!! But folks, we have to look for it. We have to see it! And its not the same for everyone. Most people would not go out at ten after five on a cold winter's evening to walk in the rain because thats not whats magical to most people. But to me, there is almost nothing with more magic potential. Every life needs magic. Every life needs the spark that comes only from those "Wow God! You are SO incredible!" moments. Its not easy to find magic most of the time because satan distracts us with the mundane, the busy, the every day. But its possible! 
And ah the joy... The alive feeling of rain dripping off your hair, of wet clothes sticking cold to your skin, of your dog cold and muddy and smelling gross dancing down the road in front of you... Doesn't sound like magic to you? No probably not because its not what God planted in your heart. But you need to find what He did plant there. Find it and pursue it and see Him in it because those little glimpses of Him... They rock us to our core like the rolling thunder rocks my little house on this February night. 

Keisha and I, cold, wet, and muddy... But happy.


  1. hey Dayna! I didn't know you had a blog...I'm delighted. :) can't wait to read more of what you've written.
