Monday, February 4, 2013

D-day!!! :)

Today marks the beginning of my favorite season of the year here in Mississippi! Daffodil Season. I absolutely LOVE daffodils. They are definitely my favorite flower! I would say they are by far my favorite but the truth is that I am also especially fond of black-eyed Susans and Queen Ann's lace. But today it is daffodils that are here and I love them so very very much!!! I saw these in the ditch along the road close to our house so Keisha and I had to go for a little walk and get some! Their beauty takes my breath away!!

I have so many wonderful memories of picking daffodils as a child! Every sunday from the first of February through about the end of March, my sister and I would beg to go pick daffodils. Dad would almost always relent. He loves flowers, and he loves making us happy, so whats to lose? There was an old abandoned homestead a few miles from our house where we would stop. Whoever lived there loved the flowers as much as I do I think because she planted lots and lots of them! It was a quiet peaceful spot tucked into a little clearing with trees all around and farm land out around that. The grass was so soft and lush there. It was not the kind of 'grass' that naturally grows around here so it too must have been carefully planted. There were wild daffodils like the ones I picked today, big beautiful cultivated ones, white ones, double headed ones, and even some snow drops mixed in. We would see who could pick the most and it always made me grumpy that she was a better daffodil picker than I. Even after we left the ranch for the place Dad's live now we would go back and pick. Still today there is nowhere in the world I love to be more than in that little spot during Daffodil Season. I love to go there now as an adult and treasure the memories. Daffodils are, I believe, pure magic. 

So when I saw the first daffodils today I had to go and pick them! They are so beautiful! I'm not sure where all my pretty vases are so I put them in an old Starbucks bottle and onto my table they went, alongside the plants I'm currently starting. Jewel says eventually we won't have any room to live in this house if I don't stop starting new plants :) I doubt this is a true fact but I'm willing to chance it for the joy of growing things. Today my love note from God is daffodils and you know what? I hope that it will keep being daffodils for the next two months. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I would always make my Mom drop me off on my way home from school. About a half mile from our house, on the side of the road, there was a mini forest of daffodils and narcissus! I'd sit and pluck stem after stem till my arms were full! <3
